beesure_ we can integrate various insurance products into your business! Increase your Customers’ protection, loyalty and get additional income – offer most suitable insurance products to your Customers
beesure_ insurance distribution platform could be easily integrated into any business for distribution and administration of insurance products
For Affinity Partners
beesure_ we can integrate various insurance products into your business for selling to your final Customers
Platform for Affinity Partners
beesure_ platform will let you onboard various insurance products very fast and easy
Our platform with the help of API interfaces with your system
Created insurance documents are sent and administrated from our system
Insurance premiums are collected and administrated by us
Benefits for Affinity Partners
Insurance Products
We look for the insurance that best suits your business model, or even work to create it if necessary. And if you already have coverage, we take care of integrating it for you.
Insurance Partners
Our team consists of former bankers, insurance and IT specialists whose common experience allowed to create insurance distribution platform for selling insurance products to your Customers
Our people

Kamil Pękacz
Country Manager - Poland